Hello Everyone. I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! I am determined to get back to my ART and so far headed in the right direction. I am happier and stronger than I've been in a long long time. I am EXCITED about 2015 and plan to make the most of it!! I have joined Life Book 2015 and Documented Life Project 2015. Trying to get back on top of organizing our house. I'm tired of working myself to pieces and all day just to have a straightened, surface clean at best home. So I've been cleaning out like crazy. I've been posting on Instagram my #letgo10x100 ... started out decluttering 10 items a day for 100 days. Changed it to session....don't get to decluttering everyday and some days I may do 2 or maybe 5 sessions.
Today I finished my Life Book Warm Up and Main Project...Beacon of Light painting. Whew...we'll just say it has been a very very very long time since I have drawn anything. and besides mixed media...I am NOT a painter lol
Here is my Warm up page...
We were to choose a word for the year that represents what we want out of 2015
My word is SHARE. Yes, I cheated and used glitter lets instead of drawing the text.
We included an envelope with our intentions for 2015....
Here are my intentions.... I want to share ART and Inspiration this year in several ways and with many people.
The main Project for Life Book week 1 is The Beacon of Light
to guide us on our journey throughout the year.
This project was a BIG CHALLENGE for me. I'm jumping back into my ART and determined to make time for my ART. I feel so much more Joy when I'm creating....not to mention so much more productive.
So here is my piece....LOTS of Mistakes, several things I would have done a little differently...but I feel the point of taking a course like this is to learn...so I followed the tutorial. I may do more like this in the future. I think it would make a great cover for Journals of Love.
I did change the beams around her head...and used a template that I inherited in my Dad's pipefitting/drawing tools ...because I'm doing this to grow...not to add to my stress.
We were to put symbols hanging from the strings that were important to us...I used a crochet flower and drew some leaves to respresent nature.
I was THRILLED we used glitter!! :)
We used book pages for the dress...I used vintage shorthand pages. I included wordsd that I like on the top layer. Love, Dream, Family, Create, and Peace.
I'm glad that my piece turned out OK ... but most of of THRILLED to be making ART again.
Now...next up .... Prompt #1 for Documented Life Project :)