After the busy weekend I'm enjoying the rest of a lazy rainy day! The weather was BEAUTIFUL for Riverfest. We were there Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday. We had a pretty good time...but we were worn out! lol
Today was Sam's day off and we enjoyed doing very little and resting. I've done housework, or course, and some more destashing in the craft room. I've listed lots of ARTChix images, Transparencies, and (discontinued) Fabric Images in my ETSY Shop. More lots to come as I go through them....I've got a stash of Top Hat Embellishments to list, a big stash of buttons and lots more images yet to go through.
Here are a few pictures my sister took this weekend (I, as usual, forgot my camera)....
Sam, Brynna and Me eating snow cones waiting on the boat races to resume. This is the BEST picture of ME I've seen in a long time LOL!!!
Brynna and our nephew, Anthony, having a good time on the rocket. LOL Think they had more fun at the park than the festival.
Brandi, Anthony and our BIL, Travis on the Dizzy Dragons. Poor Brynna...this was all she could talk about...and then changed her mind. Maybe next year. :o)